
2021 Vol 19 2

  1. Developing a Counseling Tool for Determining the Choice of Contraceptives in Women of Fertile Age Kenik Sri Wahyuni, Setyo Mahanani             
  2. The Effectiveness of Banana Flower in Reducing Emesis Gravidarum in First Trimester of Pregnant Women   Nora Veri, Elly Susilawati             
  3. The Effect of Strengthening Ball Roll Exercise and Strengthening Heel Raises Exercise on Static Balance in Children with Flat Foot in Sragi Subdistrict              Nurul Aktifah, Dzikra Nurseptiani, Yozy Hani Zainita             
  4. The Intensity of Watching Korean Dramas with Premarital Sex Behaviors of Female Students at X University Yogyakarta         Suci Musvita Ayu, Luluk Fitri Abdiati       
  5. The Level of Anxiety of Leprosy Patients in Terms of Demographic Characteristics of Respondents  Sri Wahyuni, Christina Dewi Prasetyowati             
  6. Relation of Refraction Abnormalities and Nutritional Status with Learning Achievement in COVID-19 Pandemic Era Senyum Indrakila, Soetrisno, Hafi Nurinasari, Annang Giri Moelyo, Hari Whyu Nugroho             
  7. Relation of Preparedness with Anxiety for Flood in The Region of Panjagrejo Village   Ika Silvitasari, Hermawati, Wahyuni        
  8. Systematic Literature Review: Adaptation and Pasychological Changes of Pregnant Women with Diagnosis Gestational Diabetes Mellitus    Arista Apriani, Wijayanti, Yunia Renny Andhikatias, Deny Eka Widyastuti             
  9. The Relationship Between Blood MDA Levels and Aortic Foam Cells in Menopausal Wistar Rats Treated with Cempaka Flower Exctract   Lely Firrahmawati, Mulyaningsih, Endang Sri Wahyuni             

2022 Vol 20 1

  1. Risk Factors of Breast Cancer      Anjar Nurrohmah, Anis Aprianti, Sri Hartutik             
  2. Analysis of Knowledge with Compliance in Implementing Protocols of COVID-19 in SMP Negeri 4 Sukoharjo’s Students Bangkit Ary Pratama, Sri Saptuti Wahyuningsih   
  3. Determinants of Tetanus Toxoid (TT) Coverage in Premarital: Systematic Review Dewi Puspitaningrum, Muhammad Zen Rahfiludin             
  4. The Effect of Health Education About Toileting on Knowledge, Attitude and Independence of Children Age School in SDN Gedongtengen        Dewie Meidyani, Armenia Diah Sari, Atik Badi’ah           
  5. The Effect of Supportive Group Therapy Toward DM Patients Depression Ida Nur Imamah, Norman Wijaya Gati           
  6. Study of Knowledge and Compliance at Muhammadiyah Autonomous Organization (ORTOM) on COVID-19 Prevention  Idham Choliq, Mundakir, Dede Nasrullah, Sukadiono, Vika Ramadhana Fitriyani             
  7. The Duration of Hormonal Contraceptive Use is Not Related to Weight Gain              Lely Firrahmawati, Endang Sri Wahyuni, Ika Silvitasari             
  8. Contribution of Premature Baby (The Low Birth Weight) Towards Postpartum Depressed Mother  Maryatun, Indarwati, Widaryati             
  9. The Effect of The Prophet Ayub Bibliotherapy on Self-Concept of Chronic Renal Failure Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis Muhammad Sowwam, Sudaryanto, Muhammad Erfa    
  10. The Effect of Eye Exercises Intervention as Myopa Booming Prevention Effort in Children During Online Learning in The COVID-19 Pandemic              Nurul Khotimah, Salva Shofiana, Mei Renawati, Riyani Wulandari      
  11. The Effect of Active and Passive Recovery Exercise in Reduring Doms (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness): Critical Review             Wijianto, Ega Fahla Agustianti          

2022 Vol 20 2

  1. The Effect of Dhikr on The Stress Level and Blood Pressure in The Patients with Hypertension at Puskesmas Gamping 1        Finy Nur Annisafitri, Edy Suprayitno, Diyah Candra Anita K             
  2. The Effect of The Application of The Upright Position on Duration Time Delivery              Yeti Septiasari, Apri Sulastianingsih             
  3. The Effect of Swedish Message Therapy on Blood Pressure in Primary Hypertension Patients    Eska Dwi Prajayanti, Irma Mustika Sari             
  4. The Effect of Static Stretching Calf Muscle Tendon Unit with Theraband Toward Range of Motion Dorsi Flexion Ankle on Elderly Person    Novi Dwi Jayanti 
  5. Olive Oil Towards Toddlers’ Weight Gain Rita Riyanti Kusumadewi, Sri Handayani, Lely Firahmawati      
  6. Description of Self Efficacy Post Group Activity Therapy (TAK) in People with Mental Disorders in The Gilingan Primary Healthcare       Norman Wijaya Gati, Nazaruddin Latif    
  7. The Effect of Health Education with Videos and Flash Cards on Knowledge and Skills of Fetal Stimulation in Pregnant Women            Arista Apriani, Wijayanti, Deny Eka Widyastuti, Yunia Renny Andhikatias          
  8. The Relationship of Mother’s Education Level, Accuracy of Supplementary Feeding (MP ASI) with Nutritional Status of Tolls Aged 6-24 Months              Umi Hani’ah, Paulinus Deny K., Januar Rizqi            
  9. Relationship of Physical Activity with Fine Motor Skills in 3-4 Years Old Children              Wijianto, Kartika Saktiyarini       
  10. Public Knowledge and Attitude Towards COVID-19 Vaccination in Jomblang, Sonorejo Village, Sukoharjo Regency       Bangkit Ary Pratama, Siwi Hastuti, Wahyuni           
  11. The Application of Osteoarthritis Gymnastics as An Effort to Reduce Pain Levels in Elderly People Suffering from Osteoarthritis at Posyandu Lansia (Integrated Care for The Elderly) in The Working Area of Mojolaban Health Center, Sukoharjo Regency          Riyani Wulandari, Dewi Kartika Sari, Siti Fatmawati         

2023 Vol 21 1

  1. Adverse Events After Immunization (AEFI) Post COVID-19 Vaccination in The Work Area of Tthe Health Department of Surakarta         Sri Hartutik, Exda Hanung Lidiana
  2. Relationship Between Workload Perception with Nurse Burnout Level in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Sragen During The COVID-19 Pandemic      Ika Silvitasari, Norman Wijaya Gati, Hermawati        
  3. Factors Affecting Tuberculosis (TB) Patient Adherence to Anti-Tuberculosis Drug Therapy in Surabaya            Dede Nasrullah, Uswatun Hasanah, Idham Choliq, Ira Purnamasari, Firman, Islam Syarifurrahman, Vika Ramadhana Fitriyani
  4. Affectiveness of Early Postoperative Exercise Program in Post Hip Arthroplasty Patients      Arif Pristianto, Prihantoro Larasati Mustiko, Taufik Eko Susilo        
  5. Relationship Between Nutritional Status and History of Childbirth Complications with Toddlers Development           Idola Perdana Sulistyoning Suharto, Endang Mei Yunalia, Priska Emiliana, Lisna Watie Geragam, Yohanes Tatan  
  6. Balance Twelve Exercise with Hatha Yoga Maximizes Dynamic Balance and Lowers Elderly Anxiety   Asita Rohmah Mutnawasitoh, Dea Linia Romadhoni             
  7. Sound of Al-Quran Therapy (SAQTY) on The Physiological Function of Premature Infants in The NICU   Warti Ningsih, Siti Rofiatun Rosida             
  8. Effect of Neurodynamic Slider on Increasing Hamstring Muscle Flexibility in Rantaya Putri Alus Dancers          Dita Mirawati, Alinda Nur Ramadhani             
  9. The Effectiveness of Jeruju Plant Extract (Acanthus Ilicifolius) As Anticancer: Literature Review            Aziza Vira Arunita, Heni Setyowati Esti Rahayu, Prasojo Pribadi 
  10. The Effectiveness of Adding Dynamic Stretching Exercises to Balance Strategy Exercises in Improving Balance in The Elderly     Govinda Vittala, Cahyo Setiawan
  11. Resilience Conveyed the Readiness for Enhancing Self-Health Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients in The Era of The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study         Suwaryanti, Fitria Handayani, Nur Setiawati Dewi            
  12. Interprofessional Collaboration and Teamwork Practices in Post-Operative Wound Care Management at Hospital of Banda Aceh       Isneini, Hermansyah, Nurleli, Erlangga Galih Zulva Nugroho, Fida’ Husain             

2023 Vol 21 2

  1. Evaluation of Early Screening for Mental Emotional Problems after the COVID-19 Pandemic in Preschool Children            Esme Anggeriyane             
  2. Implementation of Person Center Maternal Care in Midwifery Care Service: Scoping Review Nastiti Aryudaningrum, Asri Hidayat            
  3. Analysis of Hand Hygiene Compliance and Official Personal Protective Equipment Compliance on the Incidence of Nosocomial Infection in Outpatient Karanganyar Regency Hospital to Support of Hospital Accreditation     Oktavy Budi Kusumawardhani, Joko Kismanto, Iwan Setiawan Adji, Kristina Widyastuti, Nadya Puspita Adriana             
  4. The Effect of Fetal Stimulation on the Quality of Life of Pregnant Women and Fetal Heart Rate       Arista Apriani, Yunia Renny Andhikatias, Dheny Rohmatika, Ernawati, Megayana Yessy Mareta, Wijayanti, Deny Eka Widyastuti        
  5. Comparative Analysis of Student Understanding Levels Using Lecture, Group Discussion and Information Technology-Based Methods of Postpartum Care Education at ‘Aisyiyah University Surakarta          Siska Ningtyas Prabasari, Rufidah Maulina, Indrawan Ady Saputro
  6. Internet-Based Flipbook as A Health Education Medium on The Danger of Smoking for Teenagers   Marsiana Wibowo, Ahmad Ahid Mudayana, Nurulita Priandini        
  7. Effectiveness of Hydroson Therapy (Hydrotherapy and Benson) and Dhikr Relaxation Therapy on Hemodynamic Function in The Elderly       Santi Damayanti, Cornelia Dede Yoshima Nekada        
  8. Attitude and Knowledge of Third-Trimester Pregnant Women Toward Labor Anxiety in New Normal COVID-19 Era at Puskesmas Abiansemal I Kadek Primadewi        
  9. The Relationship of Bag Load to Changes Vertebra Curves in Students (Study on Students Age 9-12 Years at SDIT Al Ikhlas, Magetan)   Andera Prastina Sukmawati, Arif Pristianto, Dwi Rosella Komalasari           
  10. Effect of Quadriceps Set and Manual Traction on Pain in Osteoarthritis              Wijanto, Maryam Habibah        
  11. Mortality Prediction for COVID-19 Patients Based on Demographic, Typical Laboratory Results, and Clinical Data       Husnul Khuluq, Anwar Sodik             
  12. Differences in the Effectiveness of Audiovisual Media and Leaflets on the Knowledge and Attitudes on Mothers of Toddlers in Bogorejo Village about Stunting              Caesar Erza Keryn Febriyanti, Noor Alis Setiyadi