BIS 3rd 2021

  1. Self-Control and Procrastination during the Covid-19 Pandemic              Thoyyibatus Sarirah, Dian Dorma Sari Sihombing             
  2. Innovative Work Behaviour in Bureaucratic Organizations: The Effect of Leadership and Self Efficacy in the Ministry of Home Affairs          Sukma Nurmala, Selly Dian Widyasari   
  3. A Study of Students and Parents’ Awareness and Interest in Banjarmasin Polytechnic        Rudy Haryanto, Rahmatul Jannatin Naimah             
  4. How Covid-19 Pandemic Increase Domestic Violence? A Literature Review              Rayinda Faizah, Dwi Susanti       
  5. Tigero Tedong Jewellery Design Typical Bugis Tribe           Asep Sufyan Muhakik Atamtajani, Tati Narawati, Tri Karyono 
  6. Is the Therapeutic Adherence of Hypertensive Patients Closely Related to the Pharmacist-Patient Communication?              Setiyo Budi Santoso, Nurkholis Ashari, Ika Mulyono Putri Wibowo      
  7. The Relationship between Pesticide Exposure in Pregnant Women and the Incidence of LBW at the Sawangan 1 Public Health Centre, Magelang Regency              Arifah Rahmawati, Heni Setyowati Esti Rahayu, Rohmayanti             
  8. The Impact of Social Distance Learning to the Students’ Stress Level During the Covid 19 Pandemic among in State Senior High School            Ning Iswati, Dyah Puji Astuti, Dwi Hidayanti   
  9. Resilience as Bottom-Line Strategy Towards Business Sustainability: a Review Nia Kurniati Bachtiar, Nor Hanuni Ramli 
  10. Resilience of Children in Refugee Camps in Sister Village Program              Kanthi Pamungkas Sari, Norma Dewi Shalikhah, Ahwy Oktradiksa, Irham Nugroho, Muis Sad Iman, Minzani Aufa    
  11. The Impact of Super Micro Credit on SMEs During the Covid-19 Pandemic              Sony Hendra Permana, Nidya Waras Sayekti, Ariesy Tri Mauleny, Rafika Sari, Dewi Restu Mangeswuri, Nike Paramita 
  12. The Urgency of Regional Financial Supervision by Indonesian Regional People’s Representative Council Mhd. Ansori     
  13. Impact of Halal Certification on Guest Satisfaction at the Restaurant Grand Sawit Hotel Samarinda  A Rinto Dwiatmojo, Said Keliwar, Evi Setyowati, Yusni Nyura, Etwin Fibrianie Soeprapto, Khairul Hisyam bin Kamarudin             
  14. Youtube as a Means of Balinese Language Maintenance by Youth in West Lombok Regency             Desak Made Yoniartini, Mahsun, Burhanuddin             
  15. Implementation of Online Islamic Elementary School Teacher Learning Management in Pandemic Covid-19        Minzani Aufa, Kanthi Pamungkas Sari, Norma Dewi Shalikhah, Irham Nugroho, Ahwy Oktradiksa, Muis Sad Iman    
  16. Study of Economic Activities of the Affected Community Toll Road Development    A. R. Indra Tjahjani, Jonbi, Nuryani Tinumbia             
  17. Relationship of Nutritional Status with the Smoothness of Breast Milk in Breastfeeding Mothers at Binangun Community Health Centre of Cilacap Regency              Herniyatun, Istiana Puspitasari, Hastin Ika Indriyastuti             
  18. The Relationship between Parenting Self-Efficacy and Caregiver Burden in the Sandwich Generation            Afifa Surya Darmaning Tyas, Fitri Ayu Kusumaningrum            
  19. The Relationship of Personal, Social, and Consumer Factors to the Purchase Intention of Halal Food in Purworejo Regency, Indonesia Roisu Eny Mudawaroch    
  20. Learning Assessment Methods During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Review              Arif Wiyat Purnanto, Agrissto Bintang Aji Pradana, Julia Rahmawati             
  21. Integration of Multiple Intelligence Theory in ELT: A Systematic Review              Agrissto Bintang Aji Pradana, Athia Fidian, Aditia Eska Wardana, Alida Vira Pramesti, Dyah Sekar Arum    
  22. Qiro’ah Arabic Textbook Analysis in the Line of Ta’lim Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah: Content and Presentation            Nurul Abidin, Nuraini, Bambang Wahrudin             
  23. Subjective Well Being Teacher Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic       Azid Syukroni, Dwi Estiningsih, Devid Dwi Erwahyudin             
  24. The Spiritual Communication of Muallaf Ravida Chauria Shavir            
  25. Opportunities and Challenges of Waqf Management in Indonesia: A Narrative Review             Fivin Choerotun Nisa, Fahmi Medias, Andi Triyanto             
  26. Strategy for Developing Institutional Service Models for Regional Innovation in Indonesia       Andjar Prasetyo, Heri Wahyudianto, Agustinus Hartopo             
  27. Measurement of Partnerships, External Relations and Networks in Building Districts in Jayapura Regency      Andjar Prasetyo, Heri Wahyudianto, Agustinus Hartopo         
  28. The Effect of Snakes and Ladders Game on Adolescent Knowledge Levels about Leucorrhoea for Class VIII atSMP Negeri 1 Sukoharjo Pringsewu Lampung            Eka Riyanti, Herniyatun, Nur Isnaeni             
  29. Adolescent Delinquency Handling System in School/Madrasah Guidance and Counselling Teacher Perspective Ponorogo District    Syarifan Nurjan, Ahmad Muslich, Edy Kurniawan
  30. Consumer Satisfaction: In the Relationship of Service Quality to Loyalty              Heri Purwanto, Ari Pranaditya, M. Trihudiyatmanto, Anggun Puspitarini        
  31. Implementation of Science Process Skills in Elementary Science Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic   Irham Nugroho, Norma Dewi Shalikhah             
  32. The Factors That Cause Early Marriage and the Impact on the Psychology of Couples in Rural Areas   Hery Ernawati, Anni Fithriyatul Mas’udah, Fery Setiawan, Laily Isroin     
  33. Workforce Agility during COVID-19: The Effect of Teamwork and Empowering Leadership Nopriadi Saputra, Retnowati WD Tuti, Evi Satispi             
  34. The Husband’s Social Support on Participation in Pregnant Woman Class Program During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Kebumen        Wulan Rahmadhani, Eka Novyriana      
  35. Nutritional Status and Breast Milk Production of Post Sectio Caesarea Mothers at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Gombong        Siti Mutoharoh, Eka Riyanti, Miftachul Jannah    
  36. Information Literature on Affective Cognitive Aspects of Students in Online Learning at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2, Malang, Indonesia   Martutik, Setiawan, Moh.Safii, Reza Fawzia Ahmad             
  37. Analysis of Corruption in the Construction Procurement in Accordance with Presidential Regulation No. 16 of 2018    Agung Prapsetyo, Wardah Yuspin, Tri Widodo Besar Riyadi
  38. The Role of Internal Locus of Control, Subjective Norms, Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Attitude toward Entrepreneurship on Entrepreneurial Intention – A Study of Former Migrant Workers in Indonesia        Ahmed Zulfikar, Aryana Satrya  
  39. The Concept of Alzheimer’s Disease in Qur’an     Tri Ermayani, Iyus Herdiana Saputra
  40. Physical Intervention on Pain Scales in Babies after Immunization Procedures         Nurlaila, Triana Sulandari, Wuri Utami             
  41. Application of Project Based Learning and STEAM in Higher Education              Miranti Puspaningtyas, Sulastri, Sulikah 
  42. Family Support as a Predictor of Quality of Life Among Breast Cancer Patients in Indonesia      Mira Ariyani, Rahmadianty Gazadinda, Fellianti Muzdalifah, Wiedy Ayu Shavira Febriyanti           
  43. Spiritual Well-Being as a Predictor of Quality of Life Among Breast Cancer Patients in Indonesia      Fellianti Muzdalifah, Mira Ariyani, Rahmadianty Gazadinda, Tsalitsaturrajbiyah   
  44. Collaborative Governance in Creating a Lifestyle of People who Care about Hygienic Drinking Water and Sanitation  Eny Boedi Orbawati, Retno Dewi Pramodia Ahsani, Catur Wulandari, Ari Mukti, Apsari Wahyu Kinanti            
  45. The Challenges of Bank Syariah Indonesia Post-Merger    Nidya Waras Sayekti, Ariesy Tri Mauleny, Sony Hendra Permana, Achmad Chotib             
  46. Learning from Journals and Reflective Questions Strategy: A Reflection of English Speaking Class   Umi Rachmawati            
  47. Description of Antiviral Usage in Covid-19 Patients at One of COVID-19 Referral Hospital in Semarang City            Arik Dian Eka Pratiwi, Dhimas Adhityasmara, Erna Prasetya Ningrum   
  48. The Existence of Kembang Sembah Dance as Welcoming Dance by Sasakese Community of Lombok in Nusa Tenggara Barat    Yani Timor Prajawati, Tika Puspita Sari       
  49. Expression in Social Media: True or Fake?             Rofiq Nurhadi, Edi Sunjayanto Masykuri, Tri Ermayani, Natalie Anastasi             
  50. The Direction of Innovation of Antibacterial Agents in Preventing Wounds Infection: A Systematic Review   Sodiq Kamal, Estrin Handayani, Alfian Syarifuddin       
  51. The Role of Digital Technology in Gold-Pawning Practice in Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI)  Rini Ariyanti, Bunga M. Shalihah, Fitria Rahmah, Akbar Sarif, Nurul Aini binti Muhammed      
  52. The Impact of Employee Engagement, Perceived Organizational Support, and Employer Branding on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediation Role of Organizational Communication Satisfaction Study on State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Employees in Indonesia  Gilang Adi Yuliarso, Elok Savitri Pusparini     
  53. A Review of Pharmaceutical Services at Community Pharmacies for Persons with Disabilities Ni Made Ayu Nila Septianingrum, Fitriana Yuliastuti, Widarika Santi Hapsari  
  54. Contraceptive use and Related Factors in Women Living with HIV/AIDS              Susanti, Sujianti, Yogi Andhi Lestari         
  55. Ecotourism and Women Enterpreuner in Buffer Zone of Karimunjawa National Park     Budi Setiawan   
  56. Technology Capacity Development Model as an Effort to Build a Conducive and Competitive Internal Environment of MSMEs in the Global Market              Anes Arini, Hesti Respatiningsih
  57. Fadil Jaidi’s Personal Branding on Instagram Social Media              Irmawan Rahyadi, Elviara Dwi Raissa, Muhammad Mirza Adira, Noella Ludylane Tersiana, Rara Andica Oryza Sativa          
  58. Land Ownership by Indonesian Railway Corporation [PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)] in Kota Intan, Indonesia       Listyowati Sumanto, Irene Eka Sihombing, Endang Pandamdari      
  59. Implementation of Prokesia (Protokol Kesehatan Lansia) Booklets to Improve Elderly Knowledge Dealing with Covid-19 Health Protocol              Endang Tri Sulistyowati, Rahma Trisnaningsih, Nur Amalia             
  60. Socially Vulnerable Groups and Inclusive Policies of Covid-19 Outbreak Handling: Perspective Review of Social Changes  Kanthi Pamungkas Sari, Irham Nugroho, Norma Dewi Shalikhah 
  61. Tendency of Using Google Translate during Online English Class: Students’ Concern              Rohfin Andria Gestanti, Elok Putri Nimasari, Krisna Megantari, Ahmad Ridho Rojabi, Fita Faridah, Dian Luthfiyati, Riryn Fatmawaty        
  62. Relationship of House Building Materials, Lighting and Occupational Density to the Incidence of Tuberculosis Isma Yuniar, Aswin Wahyono, Heri Purnomo           
  63. Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Learning Programs in Vocational Schools              Sugeng Eko Putro Widoyoko, Cahyana Nursidiq, Suyitno, Budi Setiawan            
  64. Analysis of Adolescent Moral Aspects: A Descriptive Study of Junior High School in Magelang Regency       Purwati Purwati, Muhammad Japar, Dewi Lianasari            
  65. Triple Helix Development Model in Improving Marketing of The Arrow Industry in Krandegan Village, Purworejo Regency            Rusmiyatun, Nur Siyami  
  66. The Relationship between Attachment to God and Students’ Psychological Well-Being         Zaimah Lutfia Ningrum, Fitri Ayu Kusumaningrum             
  67. Pain in Maternity Mothers, can Birth Ball Reduce it?: A Literature Review              Lies Karwati, Erma Nur Fauziandari, Benny Karuniawati             
  68. Effectiveness of Green Brand, Green Advertising, and Green Products on Consumer Purchase Decisions on AVOSKIN PHTE in Yogyakarta    Adisty Riska Hardianti, Subagyo, M. Anas, Arthur Daniel Limantara             
  69. Impact of Physical Exercise on the Treatment of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Systematic Review    Alinda Nur Ramadhani, Wahyuni, Dea Linia Romadhoni, Dita Mirawati          
  70. Human’s-Planet Connection in Maluku, Indonesia: Ecology Anthropology Perspective        Efilina Kissiya    
  71. The Effect of Islamic Social Reporting on Performance of Maqashid Sharia              Farida, Gita Dwi Cahyani, Pranita Siska Utami, Ravindra Ardiana Darmadi            
  72. Critical Discourse Analysis and Conflict Management Issues Jokowi’s Speech at the World Bank IMF Meeting in Bali    Eli Purwati, Fingky Ayu Puspitasari, Ayub Dwi Anggoro, Krisna Megantari, Oki Cahyo Nugroho             
  73. Factor of Choosing a 3-Month Injection KB           Murti Krismiyati, Amri Wulandari, Ulfi Widyaningrum  
  74. Characteristics of Innovation as Determinants of Voluntary Adoption of Mobile Money in Indonesia        Ricardo Indra, Z. Hidayat, Tukina             
  75. Multiple Intelligences Profile of Grade IV Elementary School Students in Magelang           Sri Hartatik, Galih Istiningsih, Ari Suryawan, Septiyati Purwandari       
  76. Governance Policy and Education Financing Strategy to Improve National Education Development Anip Dwi Saputro, Muh.Shulthon Rachmandhani, Sigit Dwi Laksana           
  77. The Psychology Changes and Self-Concept Adolescent Has Given Birth Premarital in Dealing with Change of Role as a Mother    Tri Sumarsih, Sari Lestari, Arnika Dwi Asti 
  78. Disgorgement in Indonesian Competition Law: A Comparative Approach Following the Job Creation Law Enactment           Uni Tsulasi Putri, Vina Damayanti        
  79. Factors Related to Sleep Quality in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Undergoing Haemodialysis         Sodikin, Dhefi Hutami, Sutarno, Dewi Prasetyani         
  80. How the Structural Official Appointed based on Government Regulation in Klaten Regency?              Anom Wahyu Asmorojati, Putri Nur Jannah             
  81. How to Manage Student Elementary School Learning in Disaster Areas?              Puji Rahmawati, Rasidi  
  82. Packaging Design Elements and Consumers Impressions: A Context in Local Food Branding and Communication of Indigenous Community in Indonesia              Maria Widyarini, Timothy Andrianus Philemon, Elivas Simatupang             
  83. Effectiveness of Classical Music Therapy to Reducing Auditory Hallucinations in Schizophrenic Patients             Dinar Wahyuningtyas, Laily Mualifah, Abdul Aziz      
  84. Analysis of the Unified Theory Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Model to Join in the Program through Behavioural Intention         Reminta Lumban Batu, Hartelina, Ayuk Hidayanti, Sherliana Halim             
  85. Good Faith in the Implementation of Car Financing Agreements During the Covid-19 Pandemic         Sri Wahyuni, Efa Laela Fakhriah, Anita Afriana, Sonyendah Retnaningsih            
  86. The Role of Housewives, Motivation, Business Independence and Education on the Economic Improvement of the Family       Sri Hartiyah, Mila Fursiana Salma Musfiroh
  87. Utilizing Information Technology to Fight the Spread of the Covid-19 Virus              Enik Suhariyanti, Nugroho Agung Prabowo             
  88. Legal Protection Against Victims of Verbal Violence (Name-Calling) in Indonesia           Devi Mardiyanti, Gentur Cahyo Setiono, Irham Rahman, Bambang Pujiono, Arthur Daniel Limantara         
  89. Covid-19 Vaccination is Approaching, Why Should You Hesitate? Effect of Disgust, Conspiratorial Belief on Anti-Vaccination Attitude             Ika Herani, Dwi Maimunatul Nadia 
  90. Development of Fundamental Tournament Learning Model for Elementary School Children in Limited Face-to-face Learning Fahrudin, Moch. Asmawi, Firmansyah Dlis, Ardawi Sumarno, Resty Gustiawati             
  91. The Effect of Industrial Revolution 4.0 on the Provincial Unemployment Rate in Indonesia            Ratna Wulaningrum, Venti Eka Satya, Muhammad Kadafi  
  92. Online Learning in English for Nursing Using Moodle: Students’ Perspectives on Satisfaction   Barlian Kristanto, Diannike Putri, Thanee Glomjai             
  93. Green Satisfaction: Relationship of Green Brand Image to Green Brand Equity   M. Trihudiyatmanto, Indah Larasati         
  94. Virtual Collaborative Community to Increase the Participation of Purworejo’s Diaspora to Realizing Purworejo Smart City  Murhadi             
  95. How to Improve Employee Performance Management for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Agro-Tourism Sector Based on Service 4.0              Ida Nuraida       
  96. Entrepreneurial Intention of Post Indonesian Migrant Worker: The Role of Opportunity Recognition and Entrepreneurial Self Efficacy              Muhammad Syaiful Panigoro, Aryana Satrya             
  97. Literature Review: Development of Methods for Measurement of Burn Area in Children         Sarah Indah Pujiati, Sodiq Kamal, Eka Sakti Wahyuningtyas             
  98. Coping Mechanism of Indonesian Teenagers with Online Learning Education Program during the Pandemic Covid-19  Ike Mardiati Agustin, Retno Rizky Astuti, Sawiji, Ernawati, Tri Sumarsih, Suryo Ediyono             
  99. Community-Based Local Food System in Nutritional Problems Management of Children Under 5 Years: a Qualitative Study in Banyumas District              Fauziah Hanum Nur Adriyani, Ipam Fuaddina Adam, Linda Yanti, Rosi Kurnia Sugiharti, Surtiningsih, Arlyana Hikmanti, Feti Kumala Dewi             
  100. The Conceptual Framework of Corporate Social Responsibility for Indonesia: Learning Study of CSR in Vietnam             Diana Setiawati             
  101. Factors Affecting the Failure of BUMDes in Magelang       Siti Noor Khikmah, Rochiyati Murniningsih 
  102. The Impact of Management Accounting System on SME’s Performance    Siti Alliyah, Nurma Gupita Dewi       
  103. Taxpayer Compliance Analysis of Rembang Regency in the Covid-19 Pandemic           Hetty Muniroh, Nurma Gupita Dewi             
  104. E-Trust in E-Commerce: A Systematic Literature Review   Abdul Yusuf, Vanessa Gaffar, Ratih Hurriyati, Lili Adi Wibowo 
  105. The Paradox of Perceived Risk and Trust on Intention to Use Fintech Payment: Evidence in MSMEs     Naufal Afif, Anissa Hakim Purwantini, Muhdiyanto      
  106. Determinant Affecting Audit Opinion of the Local Governments’ Financial Statements in Indonesia Kristin Wulansari, Della Olivia Caterina Kalangit, Sailawati, Heldina Pristanti         
  107. Media for Teaching Mathematics During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Systematic Review          Tria Mardiana, Teguh Prasetyo             
  108. Family Empowerment as an Effort to Increase Family Independence in Caring for Clients with Mental Disorders at Home: A Literature Review              Mokhamad Arifin, Eka Budiarto
  109. Shifting the Concept of Flats Ownership in Indonesia       Anda Setiawati             
  110. A Literature Review: The Effect of Yoga Exercises on Lowering Blood Pressure in the Elderly with Hypertension            Riska Oktavia, Iswanti Purwaningsih   
  111. Psychological Changes and Stigma Experienced by Family with Covid-19              Arnika Dwi Asti, Putra Agina Widyaswara Suwaryo, Siti Mastuti             
  112. The Relationship between Baby-Led Weaning and Infant Nutritional Status: Literature Review            Ichtiwa Aruni Putri, Tubagus Ferdi Fadilah             
  113. Inhibiting Factors in Enforcement Law of Illegal Fishing Indonesian Seas Based on International Maritime Law      Luqman Aldi Perdana, Fitri Windradi, Ariella Gitta Sari, Satriyani Cahyo Widayati, Arthur Daniel Limantara          
  114. The Influence of Brand Ambassador and E-Service Quality on E-Commerce Purchase Decision           Reminta Lumban Batu, Hartelina, Nova Audina             
  115. Learning System During Covid-19 Pandemic: How the Teacher Interprets the Curriculum         Puspa Sari, Hadi Pajarianto, Nasriandi             
  116. How Parents Involve in Cultivating Children’s Reading Interests    Septiyati Purwandari, Putri Meinita Triana, Annis Ika Mayawati             
  117. The Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission Roles in Victims Reparations              Andrey Sujatmoko, Wildani Angkasari    
  118. The Management of Transformational Leadership Value Strategy at “Darussalam Gontor” Modern Islamic Boarding School    Munif Attamimi, Suparto Wijoyo, Bagong Suyanto, Moch Charis Hidayat             
  119. A Comparative Study of the Setting on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Japan and Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSER) in Indonesia           Sri Bakti Yunari 
  120. The Effect of Moderation on Satisfaction with Switching Payment Method Choices in Generation Z Users of Application-Based Transportation Services in Jakarta           Eko Retno Indriyarti, Sri Wijihastuti             
  121. The Perception of Breastfeeding Mothers toward the Comfortable Aspects of Ergonomic Chair         Mufdlilah, Veni Fatmawati, Dian Retnaningdiah             
  122. Social Organization Solidarity Model of Aisyiyah in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era         Yusuf Adam Hilman, Eli Purwati 
  123. The Model of Organizational Strengthening of the Political Party Wings in The Indonesian Party System      Rahmat Muhajir Nugroho, Ibrahim Azis Harahap            
  124. Supervision of the Safety of Processed Food from the Perspective of Consumer Protection Law            Amalia Zuhra, Anna Maria Tri Anggraini             
  125. Application of Article 1321 of the Civil Code Concerning Vitiated Consent in Court Decisions in Indonesia      Natasya Yunita Sugiastuti, Rakhmita Desmayanti, Nahla Samir            
  126. Maslahah Wasiat Wajibah for Adopted Children with Different Religions and Stepchildren      Wahyuni Retnowulandari           
  127. Strategy for Collection and Distribution of ZIS Funds during a Pandemic in Lazismu Abid Ramadhan, Muh. Akbar, Sahrir, Sofyan Syamsuddin, Nispa Sari, Andika Rusli      
  128. Determinant Factors of Whistleblowing Intention              Harti Budi Yanti, Vonny Djaja, Deliza Henny          
  129. Incidence of Preeclampsia during the Third Trimester and Its Impact on Low Birth Weight Infants       Diti Indriyani Azzahra, Irmiya Rachmiyani             
  130. The Effect Determinant Factors of Audit Judgment in the Government Sector   Christina Dwi Astuti, Erma Prilyani Sihotang, Lidia Wahyuni, Shafrani Dizar    
  131. Impact of Anti-Fraud Awareness, Fraud Detection Procedures, and Technology to Fraud Detection Skill         Emma Saur Nauli Sipayung, Harti Budi Yanti, Anggara Bayu Setya  
  132. Impact of the Smoking Duration on HbA1c and the Symptoms of Neuropathy Among Stone Carving Worker During Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: An Evaluation Study             Sumarno Adi Subrata, Heny Setyowati Esti Rahayu, Sri Hananto Ponco Nugroho, Diah Septiani, Maharani Syafa’ah             
  133. A Systematic Literature Review on the Development of Traditional Regional Food Packaging as Regional Identity         Andi Farid Hidayanto, Basyarah Hamat, Nik Shahman Bin Nik Ahmad Ariff            
  134. Fraud Detection Skill of External Auditors             Murtanto, Harti Budi Yanti, Ice Nasyrah Noor, Risa Nurmala Dewi     
  135. The Effect of Forensic Audit Knowledge, Audit Experience and Workload on Auditor’s Corruption Detection Skill         Murtanto, Bakhtiar Mufti Nugroho, Haryono Umar 
  136. Student Entrepreneur: Antecedents and Consequences of Intrinsic Motivation         Ellyana Amran, Hermanto Yaputra             
  137. The Effect of Online Learning on Communication between Lecturers and Students during Covid-19 Pandemic        Heldina Pristanti, Siti Nurhasanah, Kristin Wulansari, Dita Andansari            
  138. Analysis of Institutions and Convergence in Decentralizing Indonesia              Ariesy Tri Mauleny, Nidya Waras Sayekti, Sony Hendra Permana, Indana Fiersy Tsabita Arsil           
  139. Criminal Policy Reform of Cannabis use for Medical Purposes in Indonesia Based on the Consideration of the Single Convention on Narcotics 1961              Alfredo Risano, Ayu Dian Ningtias           
  140. The Relationship between Parenting Self-Efficacy and Caregiver Burden in the Sandwich Generation            Afifa Surya Darmaning Tyas, Fitri Ayu Kusumaningrum            
  141. The Effect of Financial Performance on Company Value with Good Corporate Governance as a Moderation Variable Eko Adi Widyanto, Maylisa Dwi Wulandari, Meylinda Ade Safitri, Kinanti Sekar Larasati             
  142. Meaning Management Between Lectures and Students in Online Learning During Pandemic            Rosalia Prismarini Nurdiarti, Kristina Andryani             
  143. Consumer Protection of Online Food Application during COVID-19: Examining the Regulation and the Role of Government   Norma Sari, Bella Nur Agus Sabella            
  144. Resty’s Manipulative Learning Model in Assigning Children’s Movement Activities from Home     Resty Gustiawati, Intan Purnamasari, Citra Resita, Febi Kurniawan, Rekha Ratri Julianti       
  145. The Role of Digital Marketing Agility and Marketing Innovation as an Efforts to Increase Business Performance Wood Processing Industry        Sisno Riyoko 
  146. The Method, Access and Services of Contraception During Pandemic Covid-19: A Literature Review  Rohmayanti, Nurul Purborini             
  147. A Literature Review on How the Mind Map Method Helps Students Remember School Lessons          Istania Widayati Hidayati, Subur             
  148. Historical-Juridical Interpretation of Article 26 Paragraph (4) Letter D of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages: Study of the Position of the Village Head as Enforcer of Legislation   Ilham Yuli Isdiyanto, Cahya Iradi Arimba, Kurnia Dewi Anggraeny, Catur Agil Pamungkas, Mario Agritama S. W. Madjid             
  149. Analysis of the Effect of Labour and Capital Availability on The Competitiveness of MSME Processed Fish in Rembang Regency   Dian Anita Sari, Wulan Suryandani
  150. The Effect of Accounting Information Systems and e-Commerce Utilization on The Performance of SME’s in Rembang           Rikah, Damayanti             
  151. The Resilience of Athletes in Facing of The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Descriptive Study of Young Elite Athletes in Central Java         Martia Yosi Nurfa Indah, Hermahayu, Rayinda Faizah       
  152. Social Support for Pregnant Women with HIV/AIDS in Cilacap District: Qualitative Study             Evy Apriani, Sohimah, Johariyah             
  153. Decreased Low Back Pain in Pregnant Women, Can Acupressure Decrease?: Literature Review            Berlina Putrianti, Zulvi Tri Andini, Benny Karuniawati       
  154. Readiness of Hybrid Learning Implementation at Nahdlatul Ulama Higher Education           Mahalli, Khalimatus Sadiyah      
  155. Relationship Between Early Marriage and Incidence of Stunting in Children Aged 24-59 Months        Refia Putri Restiana, Tubagus Ferdi Fadilah             
  156. Review of the Effect of Sedentary Behaviour and BMI on Cognitive Decline in Young Adults Arisa Putri, Yudhisman Imran    
  157. Impact of Good Corporate Governance and Auditor Characteristics on Audit Quality Murtanto, Hexana Sri Lastanti, Jorgie Jovancha Appy             
  158. The Effect of Technology Literature, Financial Literature and Financial Technology on the Financial Performance of MSMEs in Purworejo Regency Moderated by Financial Inclusion             Nur Siyami, Rusmiyatun             
  159. The Relationship between Knowledge and Attitude toward COVID-19 Vaccine: Risk Perception & Confidence in Vaccine as Mediators    Aftina Nurul Husna, Nur Akmal
  160. Volcanic Eruption Disaster Response: A Model for Assisting Children in Learning in Refugee Camps in Indonesia Rasidi, Anik Ghufron, Muhammad Nur Wangid, Galih Istiningsih     
  161. Financial Literacy’s Importance in Household Finance Decision-Making              Goso Goso, Syamsu Alam, Muhammad Yunus Amar, Musran Munizu             
  162. Application of Positive Discipline in Children to Reduce Parenting Stress During Pandemic            Dwi Estiningsih, Sigit Dwi Laksana, Aldo Redho Syam, Katni, Ayok Ariyanto         
  163. Non-Enforcement of Foreign Arbitration Award in Indonesia        Ning Adiasih, Sam Letare Simanjuntak             
  164. Analysis of Performance Management at the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Magelang Regency          Tri Asih Wismaningtyas, Reva Ngulya Savi’ah       
  165. Opportunities for Political Da’wah in Muhammadiyah Associations in Region              Sulton, Ardhana Januar Mahardhani, Hadi Cahyono, Sutrisno             
  166. Educational Internships in High Schools during Pandemic: Phenomenology of Learning Interactions Mujiyem Sapti, Supriyono             
  167. Perspective of Land Banking Regulation in Indonesia and Its Issues              Listyowati Sumanto       
  168. The Correlation of Knowledge of Commercial Sex Workers Attitudes with the Criminal Provocate Abortion Case     Sri Rahayu Amri, Asmawati, Andi Sitti Umrah, Hadi Pajarianto       
  169. The Effects of Social Media Marketing on Trust and User Satisfaction              Rahmad Solling Hamid, Salju, Indra Kusdarianto, Muhammad Ikbal             
  170. Self-Image and Ideal Self Concept of Adolescent in Islamic Boarding School and Public School            Widyoningsih, Desy Nur Annisa, Engkartini             
  171. Ombudsman as an Independent Oversight Body for Public Service in Indonesia: An Opinion   Habib Muhsin Syafingi, Dyah Adriantini Sintha Dewi, Suharso, Wafda vivid izziyana       
  172. A Content Analysis in the Studies of YouTube about Panic Buying Bear Brand Milk Video in COVID-19 Pandemic Era     Iwan Supriyadi, Irmawan Rahyadi, Yohanes Arie Kuncoroyakti         
  173. The Effect of Competence of the Apparatus, Internal Control System and Legal Audits on State-Owned Assets Management and Information System as a Moderating              Sobrotul Imtikhanah, Wiwik Lukmana             
  174. Existence of the Historical Value of the Tourism Space of the Urban Community in the Old City Revitalization Asih Retno Dewanti, Atridia Wilastrina, Silviana Amanda Aurelia       
  175. Waste Management Evaluation in Bima Regency, NTT Province    Paramita Dwi Sukmawati, Yuli Pratiwi, Suparni Setyowati Rahayu, Rahmatunnisa             
  176. Study of Distribution of Groundwater Salinity in Pacitan Sub-District, Pacitan District Based on GIS      Muchlis, Sri Sunarsih, Muhid Bariruddin             
  177. Evaluation of the Drinking Water Treatment Plant of PDAM Tirta Wijaya, Cilacap Regency Sri Hastutiningrum, Sudarsono, Akbar Maulana Grantaka, Suparni Setyowati R